What is the SRAR--Self-Reported Academic Record--
and how do I fill it out?
Some colleges ask students to fill out the SRAR report.
Some colleges REQUIRE it as part of your application, thus you can not ignore the request from the college for this information.
Here is the information about the SRAR:
This report requires you to fill in all your term grades for every class you have taken in high school.
Some colleges want this because they want to see your TERM grades, not just your final grades as well as the credits for each course.
Your school counselor can access your report card/term grades from IPASS and Power School and send them to you to fill out the SRAR.
Here is the link to the SRAR, although the college may have sent you a link to fill it out.
This SRAR program link allows you to fill it out once and then send it to the schools who request it.
The whole process takes 30-45 minutes.
Here is a Video on how to Complete the SRAR
Hope this helps!
NCAHS School Guidance Department
Seniors and Parents/Guardians! Please refer to this page for resources and information to help navigate through your senior year.
Guidance Counselors are located on the second floor of McFarland Hall. Our contact info is listed below. We are here to help!
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Who is my Guidance Counselor?
Counselors are assigned based on the last name of the student.
You can reach us at 508.668.0268 via our extensions below or by email.
A - F
Mrs. Lee Hoegler
G - M
Mr. Joe Huff
N - Z
Mr. Myles McPartland