Aggie Academics
At Norfolk Aggie we follow the MA Curriculum Frameworks and have a 99% MCAS pass rate.
Course Levels
This level is designed for our most academically motivated and talented students who are above grade level. Exceptional work ethic, study and organization skills are the benchmarks for honors-level. Students in this level are expected to complete rigorous independent projects and readings.
College Prep Level 1
This level is designed for students who are at or above grade level, and who demonstrate exceptional work ethic, study and organization skills. Students in this level are expected to complete challenging independent projects and readings.
College Prep Level 2
This level is designed for students whose academic skills are at grade level. Students will be held to high standards for learning and academic performance and will be supported by teachers and others to learn at high levels. It is anticipated that all students who are successful in level 2 classes will compete well in college admissions.
Courses Offered by Grade Level
Please see the Program of Studies for more details.
Grade 9 Offerings
Algebra I or II
World History II
Grade 10 Offerings
US History I
Other courses included in the grade 9-12 curriculum: Physical Education, Health, and Careers and Technical.
Grade 11 Offerings
Algebra II or Pre-Calculus
US History II
Grade 12 Offerings
Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Intro to College Algebra, Financial Algebra, or Statistics
Science (Elective)
Eyes on American Culture, Genocide in the Modern World, or US Government & Civics
Dual Enrollment Program
The Dual Enrollment Program offers eligible junior and senior students an opportunity to enrich their NCAHS educational experience by taking college courses during high school. Students who wish to take advantage of the Dual Enrollment Program must meet with their Guidance Counsellor to determine if they meet the eligibility requirements. (Please see program of Studies for full details, p. 22)