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This Week inAggie Sports

Late Buses Depart the Aggie at 5:30.

Students must fill out the sign up form as it is only accessible with a  email address

If you plan on taking the late bus you must remain in Kemp Hall until late bus departure.

Late bus service may not be available for some teams for certain away games.

Late bus service varies day-to-day and is NOT guaranteed every day. 

Please check schedule.

*** Scroll to right to see daily late bus information ***

Late Bus Schedule_Website

Click Here for SPRING Athletics Registrations 

Norfolk County Agricultural High School Athletics

Student-Athlete Expectations

1. The student-athletes of Norfolk County Agricultural High School will be committed to the school athletic program by:

• Following the rules and team expectations set by the coaches and the school.

• Participating enthusiastically.

• Making appropriate personal sacrifices for the good of the team.

• Recognizing that student participation in athletics is a privilege.

• Setting challenging and realistic goals.

• Developing a winning attitude.

• Maintaining high academic standards.

• Being committed to skill development in their sport.


2. The student-athletes of Norfolk County Agricultural High School will communicate openly and honestly with respect for coaches, teammates, parents, officials, and opponents by:

• Developing a team attitude.

• Being coachable and open to constructive feedback.

• Sharing appropriate individual and team concerns with the coaching staff.


3. The student-athletes of Norfolk County Agricultural High School will demonstrate good citizenship and sportsmanship by:

• Behaving with integrity.

• Exhibiting pride in their team and school.

• Playing by the rules.

• Accepting responsibility as a role model for others.

• Supporting other sports and sub-varsity teams.

• Playing with dignity and pride, regardless of winning or losing.


4. The student-athletes of Norfolk County Agricultural High School will develop and maintain mental and physical (health) behaviors by:

• Practicing self-discipline.

• Demonstrating good personal health habits.

• Dealing with challenges in a positive manner.