Special Education Parental Advisory Council

Dear Aggie Community,

If you missed the last chance to chat with SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council), there is another chance to virtually meet this Thursday (link below). All families, regardless of what supports your student requires, are welcomed to log in! 

This opportunity is a great chance to catch up on SEPAC activities, share what's working/ not working well for your student, and inform plans for school year 2024/ 2025- including joining the Board.

Thursday, April 11th · 7:00 – 9:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 385-645-7882‬ PIN: ‪616 863 290‬#

We look forward to seeing you!

Andrea Pannone, Holly Jordan, Jill Levy, and Nicole Boudreau
Norfolk Aggie SEPAC