Health Services
When To Keep Your Sick Child At Home
Guidelines on when to stay home. If your child presents with symptoms during the school day, it can result in dismissal.
Temperature over 100 degrees.
If your child has a contagious illness such as flu, strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Cold symptoms, sore throat. earache, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, stomachaches.
Child has an upper respiratory illness with significant coughing and/or nasal discharge.
Please check your child’s temperature; a child should be "fever free" for twenty-four hours without taking a fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol or Advil before returning to school.
The school nurse should be notified by the parent/guardian of any:
New medication and/or dosing change.
New medical diagnosis or allergies.
Serious injury, illness, or hospitalization.
Planned surgery.
Communicable diseases such as chicken pox, strep throat, scarlet fever or fifth disease.
New diagnosis or change in your child’s health status.
Fracture, sprain, stitches, cast, or crutches.
Important COVID Update
Effective Immediately
COVID-19 treatment now falls under the guidance of Regarding ALL Respiratory Viral Illnesses
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) has updated recommendations for schools and the general public to prevent the spread of any respiratory viruses. The new guidance applies to any respiratory viral illness such as Covid, Flu or RSV. Symptoms of a viral illness include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache.
There is no longer any statewide isolation or quarantine requirements for those who test positive for Covid. The new guidance states that even with a positive Covid test, individuals may return to school/work and resume normal activities when:
Symptoms are improving AND
Fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
Heidi Hiltz, School Nurse
Email or
Phone 508-668-0268 x12106
Fax 774-256-9409
The School Nurse provides the following services
Individualized health care planning and case management for students with special health care needs
Health and wellness promotion
Illness and injury prevention, assessment, and intervention
Medication administration and nursing procedures
Communicable disease prevention and control
Mandated health screenings:
Vision (grade 10)
Hearing (grade 10)
Postural (grade9)
Height, Weight and BMI (grades 10)
Screening Brief Intervention Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) (grade 9)
Health Insurance
Massachusetts now offers free or low cost health insurance to children and teens. For more information, contact the Children's Medical Security Plan at 1-800-841-2900
Medical Excuses
A doctor’s note is required when your child is unable to participate in physical education classes. The note should include a diagnosis (reason for the excuse), and length of time the student will be out of gym. If the student had a significant injury and has been incapacitated for a lengthy period of time, then they will need clearance by their doctor for return to gym or sports. Accommodations will be made for student's activities on campus based on physician guidelines. This is extremely important for their vocational classes.
Medication Administration
The following is an overview of the medication policies that are in place to ensure the health and safety of students that may need to take medications in school. It is highly encouraged that students take their medications at home, but if this is not possible, then the school nurse will administer the medications:
Contact the nurse to inform the student will be taking medications while at school.
Complete the prescription parent/guardian medication/consent form (downloadable-on the school website).
A written order from a licensed provider is required for prescription medications.
Short term medications - requiring administration for 10 or fewer school days, the pharmacy labeled container may be used in lieu of a physician signed medication order. Whenever possible short term antibiotics should be given at home.
Medication is to be delivered to school by a parent or a responsible adult.
Medication must be in a pharmacy or manufacturer’s labeled container.
No more than a 30 day school day supply of medicine should be delivered to the school.
There is no nurse present before or after school hours, students do not have access to their medications during those hours.
Forms are kept on file in the nurse's office and must be updated for each new school year.
Medications must be picked up at the end of the school year.
New Student Requirements
Documentation of a physical exam done by the student's primary care physician. The exam should be within 1 year prior to entrance into school.
Documentation of all required immunizations.
Completion of the Report of Health History.
Physical Exams
MA General Law, Chapter 71, section 57 requires physical exams and immunizations for all students upon entry into school and at certain intervals thereafter. Physical exams are required upon enrollment, and grade 10. Physical forms can be faxed, mailed or dropped off to the school. This form must be signed and dated by the child’s physician, not printed from the health portal. Forms can not be emailed due to privacy laws.
MIAA requires an updated physical form on file with the nurse to be eligible to participate in school sports. In order to participate in sports, the student must have an updated physical on file in the nurse's office. If you know your child is going to participate in sports while at NCAHS please plan in advance, and make an early appointment with your physician's office. Physical forms can be faxed, mailed or dropped off to the school. Forms can not be emailed due to privacy laws.